Category: edci335

  • Assignment #2: Peer Review of Interactive Learning Resource – Inclusive Education

    Group I Draft: Overview The interactive learning resource draft on inclusive education is comprehensive and structured. It aims to give educators, parents, and policymakers the information and resources they need to establish inclusive classrooms by covering the core ideas and practices of inclusive education. The resource engages users with a variety of multimedia content, learning…

  • Blog #4: Applying Interactive Learning Design in the Context of Alzheimer’s Disease

    For this blog post, I chose a video from YouTube titled “Alzheimer’s disease – plaques, tangles, causes, symptoms & pathology” to use as a learning resource for my learners. The video provides a thorough description of the causes behind Alzheimer’s disease, outlining the functions of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. Below, I address several prompts…

  • Blog #3: Reducing Barriers in Learning Design for Alzheimer’s Disease Education

    Prompt 4: Consider the learning environment for your current design. What potential barriers can be reduced or eliminated to provide more pathways for learner success? Creating an inclusive and effective learning environment for Alzheimer’s disease education involves identifying and mitigating potential barriers to ensure that every student may succeed. By offering several ways for representation,…

  • Assignment #1: Learning Design Blueprint

    Group F Alzheimer’s Disease Overview Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive brain disorder that is characterized by age-related cognitive and functional decline. This neurodegenerative disorder primarily affects the elderly with symptoms depicting memory loss, difficulty naming objects, and problems with everyday tasks (Lopez et al., 2019). First identified by Alois Alzheimer in 1906, the disease…

  • Blog #2: Exploring Cooperative Learning and Its Alignment with Alzheimer’s Education

    Cooperative Learning Overview Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy where small groups of students work together on a common task. In order to foster an environment of success, it is the responsibility of each group member to assist peers in learning in addition to absorbing the material being taught. This approach places a strong emphasis…

  • Blog #1: Assessment Strategies and Learning Theories in EDCI 335

    Assessment Strategies in EDCI 335 Several assessment strategies are being used in this course to evaluate student performance. The key assessments include: Assessment Strategies Not Used This course doesn’t have traditional exams or quizzes, which are often associated with behaviorist theories focusing on reinforcement and memorization of factual knowledge. Instead of rote learning and in…

  • Introduction

    Hi, my name is Mohammed Azim. I am 20 years old. I am basically an Indian but I was born and raised in Abu Dhabi, UAE (United Arab Emirates). Currently, I’m in Victoria. I came here in September 2022 and joined the University of Victoria. I am majoring in Computer Science and expected to graduate…