Assignment #2: Peer Review of Interactive Learning Resource – Inclusive Education

Group I Draft:


The interactive learning resource draft on inclusive education is comprehensive and structured. It aims to give educators, parents, and policymakers the information and resources they need to establish inclusive classrooms by covering the core ideas and practices of inclusive education. The resource engages users with a variety of multimedia content, learning exercises, and assessments.


By providing a variety of representational, interactive, and engaging options, the resource integrates the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In terms of content depth, we noticed that some concepts that you used in your learning activity were not described. For example, you talk about your rationale for the constructivist learning theory and inquiry based learning, but you do not describe what they mean. Describing what the concepts mean will give your learner context on what you are talking about and enhance their understanding. In your rationale about using the constructivist theory in your learning, I think you can expand on which parts of your assessments/learning activities align with constructivist views. We think you could improve your overview by explaining your topic more clearly. The inclusivity aspect of the project is already established, but we were unsure about the specific focus of your topic. It would be helpful if you provided more history or context about inclusivity within the classroom, so we have a clearer understanding of the topic as we move into the learning activity.

Step interactivity

The inclusion of interactive activities such as video creation, blog post discussions, and article writing guarantees active participation and real-world application of concepts. Even though the exercises are interactive, there is still room for improvement in the online discussion forums to ensure deeper engagement. To encourage meaningful interactions, include peer-review criteria and more structured discussion prompts.

Relevance to course topic

The resource gives learners a strong foundation by going over the definition and principles of inclusive education in great detail. The activities are in line with the clearly established learning outcomes. Constructivist and inquiry-based learning theories are well-suited through the incorporation of YouTube videos, textbooks, and online discussion forums. Some citations and references appear to be incomplete or inconsistent. Make sure all references are included for all materials used, and make sure all sources are properly cited in APA style. You have not mentioned how are the assessments graded. For example, complete/incomplete or letter grades. Choosing a variety of formative and summative making schemes would be important to include. Providing a rubric into your learning activity will enhance your assignment.

Structure and organization

To prevent confusion, some activities could benefit from detailed instructions. In one of your learning activities you discuss creating an online portfolio but do not speak on how to make one or what platform to use. I also do not know what you mean by “description” and “actual interactive activities”. Maybe you should combine these or differentiate between the two. Also when do these interactivities take place? Give detailed instructions or examples for difficult tasks like making videos and creating lesson plans. The course can reach a large audience, as WordPress was chosen as a primary platform. The learning objectives and the assessments need to be connected more explicitly. For example, indicate how comprehension of inclusive education principles will be evaluated in relation to the video presentation or blog post. For each assessment, think about including explicit criteria or a rubric to guarantee consistency and openness. By utilizing a wide variety of multimedia tools, like videos and discussion forums – it ensures the course is dynamic and interesting for the learner.


Overall, this interactive learning tool is thoughtfully designed and complies with inclusive education guidelines. It has the potential to be a great tool for encouraging inclusive educational methods with a few improvements in the areas of assessment clarity, interactivity, citations, technical accessibility, and content depth. This resource is clearly the result of much consideration and effort, and it should prove to be a useful tool for the intended audience.

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